The battery manufacturing industry is experiencing significant growth but also faces fierce competition. Experts predict the market size will surpass 130 billion USD by 2027.  As the industry adopts a more global approach, battery manufacturers must prioritize the safety of their manufacturing processes and procedures, ensuring the delivery of top-tier, cost-effective products.
The Gauss team possesses extensive experience and knowledge to assist battery manufacturers in gaining a competitive edge within the demanding consumer market. Specifically for battery manufacturing, our infrared edge web guiding sensors and tension control sensors are designed to enhance the reliability and stability of your production processes. Each solution aims to save your company time and money by streamlining procedures and minimizing unnecessary waste.
Lithium Battery
Correction Control Sensor
Specifically designed to enhance the reliability and stability of your battery manufacturing process, the Gauss web edge position sensor for correcting misalignment in rolled materials aims to save your business time and money by streamlining procedures and reducing unnecessary waste.